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  • Active children are more likely to become active adults, so participation in recreational sports and physical activity as a child can create a positive association that will help them further in life.

  • Learning the appropriate motor skills throughout childhood development is important for developing their physical skills, and physical activity is a relevant part of the developmental process.

  • Although technology has advanced our society in countless ways and has improved our daily lives significantly, it has also contributed to a sedentary lifestyle in children and teenagers.

    • The American Academy of Pediatrics has some recommendations such as limiting screen time throughout the day, and discouraging having them during mealtimes and in the bedroom.

  • Restricting movement by encouraging sedentary activities can be harmful towards a child’s development.

Children's Race


  • Although there are numerous physical benefits when it comes to this, there are also a variety of cognitive and mental benefits as well.

  • According to the NDF, encouraging physical activity in a child’s daily life can create improvements with their self-esteem, concentration, coordination, and cognitive/emotional skills.

  • According to the Government of Western Australia, some of the benefits of physical activity for children include:

    • Greater emotional well-being: physical activity has been associated with improving self-image and a sense of belonging, along with creating a relaxing and happy effect mentally.

    • Learning and productivity: Improved learning outcomes has been correlated with participating in physical activity, along with having a greater motivation.

    • Social improvements: By participating in physical activity, children may be able to improve their social skills and learn about cooperation and developing friendships. This socialization can also transfer to the school environment, and also have a positive effect on their behavior during school.

  • According to a study done in 2016 about the effects of physical activity for children on the autism spectrum disorder, exercise can help reduce stereotypical behaviors as well as improve social-emotional functioning.

    • The exercises that created the most significant improvements were horseback riding, martial arts, and short bursts of jogging.

    • Early intervention and traditional therapies can be expensive and difficult to maintain for families, whereas exercise can have a very minimal cost and specialized support required.


For preschool age children, free play and creative activities should be encouraged, and if children learn joy associated with physical activity, they are more likely to participate as they become older.

  • During school time, children should be able to move freely as much as possible, as well as participate in field trips or walks with instructors. Motor skills should be taught at the appropriate age, especially because children may feel left out if they cannot do something other children can.

  • For elementary age children, motor skills should be taught as their neurodevelopment progresses as well.

  • Children should be able to physically exert themselves after a long day at school, so encouraging unorganized free play after school can help encourage creativity after being in a structured environment.

2018 WalkItScienceWebsite 

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